Monday, July 14, 2008

1st post after a 2 yr hiatus

It has been more than 2 years since I've posted here. I've never thought of updating this blog till 1 of my best friends reminded me that I should maintain a blog to record my thoughts now that I'm in the family way. It's a good way to bond with the child later on. I thought that it's a good idea, that's why I'm writing this now.

Currently into the 22nd week of my pregnancy, I've been fortunate so far. Haven't had any serious pregnancy side effects.... yet.... (I'm superstitious, don't wanna ruin it by jinx-ing it) and I hope it'll be smooth till I deliver on 13 Nov.

For the past 3 weeks, I've felt my baby's kicks, it's a weird feeling, to have something poking the insides of your tummy (sort of like watching those alien movies but in a good way) but it's great to know that you'll be bringing a new life to birth soon. Everyone's (my family, especially my hubby & mom, my friends & colleagues) been very concerned about me since they knew about my pregnancy & I'm very grateful for their care & concern.

It's past my bedtime now, I just wanted to stop procastinating and get this blog started and hopefully, force myself to pen a little everyday.

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