Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cruel parents

I haven't updated my blog for a while as I've been extremely busy since I've returned to work in March. However, I felt that I've to put up a post today as I am extremely depressed today. Not because of work or my family. But because of a newspaper article that I'd read this afternoon. A 10 month old baby girl from Taiwan just lost her life due to the stupidity of her parents. What happened?

It was reported that on 19 Apr, in Chunghua, Taiwan, a drunk father took a dare from his live-in girlfriend in a fit of anger and threw their 10 month old baby girl into a pot of boiling water! Even though the baby's mother rescued her immediately, the damage had been done. The poor young life suffered burns on 90% of her body, only her neck and head were saved. Doctors had described the pain as "being cut by a thousand knives". After 4 days of battle, this barely a year old baby died this morning at 10.05am :(

After I read this report, I became very disturbed and very depressed by the story. Why? The picture of the crying naked baby (and she looked very cute) looked like any young healthy baby. And being a new mother of a 5 month old baby, I couldn't bear to think how I'd feel if this happened to my Chloe. My heart cried out for this baby.

I was very angry with the baby's parents. How could her mother give such a challenge to her drunken father? How could her father even bear to do this to his own flesh & blood? How can a 10 month old baby, who'd only just arrived into this world all innocent & raring to take on the world, be subjected to such torture? I simply can't fathom this and I'm not sure if I can sleep at all tonight because this news is just too bizzare. I was so enraged that I'd event commented to my colleagues that this crazy father should be put in a pot of boiling hot water himself & let him experience what his daughter went through!

Having just returned to work from my maternity leave, I take turns with Nic to come back early and give Chloe a wipe down and feed her before we put her to bed. Today, eventhough I had tons of work not completed, I had the extreme urge to want to come back home as quickly as possible, to make sure that my Chloe is ok and to hug her & tell her that I love her very much & will take good care of her.

I pray that all parents will take good care of their own children whom they've brought to this world and no other babies will go through what this Taiwanese infant did. You can read about this here here.