Saturday, October 04, 2008

After a 3 weeks absence

It has been a while since I'd posted here. I've been very busy with work as we launched our inaugural business forum last week and I was also involved in some of the hospitality prep work for our overseas guests for the world's first F1 night race.

Anyway, managed to take a little breather this week. Went for my delayed gynae check up on 29 Sep. Chloe (yes, that's the name that we've settled for nanami) has grown a lot. She weighs 2.4kg now. Eunice, my gynae, said that Chloe is big & has asked me to watch my food intake. Took a blood test to check on my sugar & iron level. My sugar level is good but my iron level has gone down so my iron tablet intake has doubled now.

I'm begining to feel the strains of being 34 weeks pregnant. My normal pace of walking is considered too fast for a preggy like me so I've to slow down tremendously when walking. It's harder to turn when I'm sleeping now as Chloe grows heavier. And I'm encountering more nosebleeds now. Just had another nosebleeding incident last night which scared Nic.

But all is well. I don't have any pix today but we're going to my long awaited getaway tomorrow. Not anywhere exotic, it's just Sentosa but at least it's better than nothing since Nic won't allow me to travel outside of Singapore. Hopefully, we'll take some good pix during our stay at the roof garden suite of Siloso Beach Resort so that I can share them here.

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