Tuesday, October 14, 2008

35wks & 5 days......

Gosh, it's almost time for Chloe's arrival. In 2 more days, I'll be entering the 36th wk of my pregnancy and Chloe will be almost fully developed. But the panic mode hasn't set in yet. I've not packed my bag for my stay at the hospital and have not sorted out the tons of babywear that my friends have given me + some of my own purchases.....

Yesterday was the 1st time I went to see my gynae without Nic. Nic had to serve the country so I went by myself. It was alright. Chloe has grown yet again, she's a hefty 2.8kg, she has grown 400g in 2 weeks! And Eunice is surprised that Chloe has grown so much as I'm considered small (note: I'm skinny but not petite).

Anyway, I'm just glad that Chloe is growing well, I hope I can deliver her naturally, withouth having to go through C-sect, which takes longer for me to recover back to my normal size. And I need to get back to my normal size after my 12 weeks of maternity leave because I want to wear back my old wardrobe, I must maintain my pre-pregnancy size (quite a big resoultion but I'll still try heh heh)

I didn't include the scan from my gynae visit 2 weeks ago so I'm uploading 2 scans today. The 1st scan is a little difficult for most people to figure out but I think the 2nd scan (taken yesterday) shows Chloe's face & her umblical cord clearly.

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