Friday, January 06, 2006


Friday, the day of the week that I always look forward to for 2 simple reasons:

1. The weekend is here, yahoo, 2 days without work
2. I get to leave officially at 5.30pm on Fridays, our usual knock off time is 6pm. Well.... I don't always get to leave on the dot since I've got tons of work to do but the thought that I can leave early is enough to make me look forward to it :)

Also, what makes this weekend even better is that we get another 4 day week next week, next Tuesday is a public holiday for us, woo hoo!

Not intending to write a long posting today as I need to clear off some work so that I can leave at 5.30pm sharp but I tend to get long winded, so I think it'll still be a pretty long posting from me today.

On Wed, I found out about an interesting piece of news. The ruler of Dubai passed away on Wednesday and all offices & businesses were delcared closed for 10 days. I was quite amused by this as we've never encountered that here before. Over here, we pretty much still by the book. We don't get sudden declaration of holidays for celebrations or mournings, work (& life) goes on.

Anyway, that was just an interesting news I've found out this week. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to 5.30pm and I really need to get back to my work so that I can leave on time.

Have a great weekend on me :)

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