It has been a few months since I'd last updated this blog. A lot has happened since my last update. Chloe will be 13 months old in 1 hr. Time flies. She has grown from a 3kg newborn to a 9+kg year old baby. And Nic & myself has also grown as her parents. From anxious new parents to parents who are apt at taking care of their precious daughter.
Since her arrival, Chloe has changed our lives. There had been a bit of pain initially but the joy of having her around has overshadowed the initial 'torture' that she had put us through. Chloe can be quite a character, with lots of animated expressions on her face. A few days ago, my dad, who seldom sees her, was surprised that a little baby can come out with so many facial expressions as he watched her entertain herself while we waited for our turn to collect her passport at the Immigration Centre. Her animated expressions were also captured by my friend, Maryann (owner of The Studio Loft), who took a lot of lovely photos of Chloe at her studio.
I wanted to keep this post short as I wanted to regain my momentum of updating this blog so that I can try and record down Chloe's various milestones religiously. Some of the milestones that have happened but were not recorded here were:
- flipping at 5 months
- started solids at 6 months
- able to sit without support at 6 months
- sitting up on her own at 7 months
- 1st words "ba.... ba" (father in mandarin) were uttered at 9 months
- pulling herself up to a standing position at 10 months
- crawling at 11 months
- learning to walk at 11 months
- teething at 12 months